

  • Initial consultation: Including discussion of birth plan, desired outcomes, preferences e.g. massage, birth ball, water, position changes, walking, and music.

  • Additional consultations: 2 additional consultations to support with physical and emotional wellbeing, face-to-face Q&A and working through any concerns.

  • Support: Continuous phone, text, and email support throughout your pregnancy and between pre-natal visits.

  • Signposting: Up-to-date information on any techniques, programmes or group sessions that may be of interest.


  • On Call: On call for you from 38 weeks of your pregnancy, 24 hours a day, until the birth of your baby. 

  • During labour: Once active labour starts, present throughout the entirety of the birth, providing support to you and your birthing partner.

  • Birth: Once your baby arrives, assistance establishing feeding and helping you settle.


  • Post-natal consultations: 2 additional consultations to help with feeding and general care of the new-born.

  • Support: Continuous phone, text, and email support between post-natal visits, to answer any queries you may have and address any concerns.

  • Signposting: Assistance locating mother and baby support groups, additional information and childcare services in your area.